UPDATE: Change of venue for Dunedin event on 29 July – now in Archway Lecture Theatre 2!

After the excellent reception given to CANA’s report Jobs After Coal at the Wellington launch in May, and a Christchurch event on 30 June which attracted at least 100 people, it’s time to take Jobs After Coal beyond the main centres – and we’re starting in the South Island in the final week of July. Check out the schedule below, get along if you can, and invite your friends and networks to hear Jeanette Fitzsimons explain how we can make a just transition away from coal mining while creating low carbon jobs and sustaining communities.

We’ll be creating Facebook events for each stop on the tour soon and we’ll link them here – watch out for them!

Download a copy of Jobs After Coal

Top of the South, 25-28 July

Blenheim, Friday 25 July: Marlborough Arts Society Gallery, High St, 7pm, contact Verena Maeder, verena_m@hotmail.com

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1428581224091256/

Motueka, Saturday 26 July:  St. Thomas Church, High St., Motueka, 7.30pm. Jeanette Fitzsimons speaks on Beyond Fossil Fuels: Transition to a New Economy. Contact Debs Martin, d.martin@forestandbird.org.nz

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1645936305631995/

Nelson, Sunday 27 July: NMIT Student Lounge, 6pm, contact Debs Martin, d.martin@forestandbird.org.nz – hosted by Forest & Bird.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/668361303246327/

Golden Bay: to be confirmed

Dunedin, Tuesday 29 July

(with Jeanette Fitzsimons and Rosemary Penwarden)

1pm, Archway Lecture Theatre 2 (*** note change in venue from Otago University Centre for Sustainability***), contact fatima.ibrahim-mckague@otago.ac.nz

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/251114788423387/

5.30pm, Otago Chamber of Commerce, “Reinvigorating the Economy: CleanTech Jobs and Low Carbon Opportunity”, contact blueskinenergy@gmail.com or events@otagochamber.co.nz

Invercargill, Wednesday 30 July, Federated Farmers Meeting Room, 70 Forth St

(with Jeanette Fitzsimons and Rosemary Penwarden)

6.30pm: Potluck tea
7.30pm: Networking
8.00pm: Presentation

Contact Jenny Campbell, jennycam@xtra.co.nz

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/590768507702648/