Press release: Coal Action Network Aotearoa
Friday 3 June 2011
Coal Action Network Aotearoa has called for people across the country to join the campaign against the expansion of Southland lignite mining, in response to the Prime Minister’s statement(1) he supports these climate polluting projects.
“We need to keep the coal in the hole, and that means not mining Southland’s lignite – no matter what the Prime Minister thinks,’ said Frances Mountier, spokesperson for Coal Action Network Aotearoa.
“Dr. James Hansen just toured the country, warning us that we must phase out coal mining in order to return to 350 parts per million carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. He wrote an open letter(2) to John Key on behalf of young people telling him this. John Key has obviously ignored the advice from this pre-eminent scientist.
“We call on all New Zealanders to join the thousands who are already expressing their deep concern about these lignite proposals. We call on everyone who wants a future for our children to join CAN Aotearoa and other groups in taking action to ensure we keep the coal in the hole. It is up to all of us to heed James Hansen’s advice, now it’s clear the Prime Minister isn’t listening,” said Ms Mountier.
Frances Mountier, Coal Action Network Aotearoa spokesperson
021 175 7484
(1) “Key supports Solid Energy’s lignite plans” – See:
(2) Hansen’s open letter is available here:
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