Kia ora koutou,

It’s been great to meet so many of you at the Hansen public meetings this week.  If you would like to receive the Coal Action Network Aotearoa newsletter please email us on with ‘Subscribe’ in the subject line.

We will add you to the Announcement list, where you will receive the newsletter once a month + approximately one other notice per month.  We run this list to keep you up to date on coal news in NZ, along with details of upcoming events and actions, whether they are organised by CAN Aotearoa or other groups working to phase out coal in NZ.  (You can email us suggested content for the newsletter too – Please do!)

We also host Lignite-Campaign-Discuss, a discussion list of people concerned about the lignite proposals in Southland. This is a place to share ideas, news, research, information etc. (The views on this list are not necessarily CAN Aotearoa’s).  Let us know in your email if you’d also like to go on this list.

Warm regards,


On behalf of Coal Action Network Aotearoa organising group.