Are you tired of seeing business as usual all around you in the face of a worsening climate crisis? 

Help seize the moment. Join one of these Global Divestment Mobilisation events happening near you between May 5 and 13.  They’re organised by people in your community to highlight the deadly climate impacts being driven by the fossil fuel industry and call on our local institutions to take a moral stand by breaking off their ties with this industry.

In our region, the biggest new planned coal project is the Adani Group’s proposed new giant Carmichael coal mine in Northern Queensland. Despite the massive additional greenhouse gas emissions this project would cause, the Australian Government is bending over backwards to try to ensure that it goes ahead.

Banks have an important part to play in funding – or deciding not to fund – such climate-destroying projects. Late last week, campaigners on both sides of the Tasman secured a major victory when Westpac rewrote its coal project lending policy to effectively rule out lending to the Adani project – the latest of a number of banks to directly or indirectly with draw from funding the project. We know that the pressure New Zealand activists have put on Westpac over their funding of coal projects played a major part in securing this victory.

Logo of the joint 350 Aotearoa-Coal Action Network Aotearoa “Westpac – Dump Denniston Coal” campaign, 2014

But the project is far from defeated yet, and so Australian activists are calling out for international support to help step up the pressure. Here are link to the actions you can take part in – RSVP to your nearest action for full details:

Auckland, Wednesday 10 May:

Wellington, Tuesday 9 May:

Christchurch, Sunday 7 May:

Dunedin, Friday 12 May: