Growth in the dairy industry is resurrecting coal – and killing the climate. 95% of Fonterra’s milk is made into powder for export and most of the powder is dried using coal – the dirtiest fossil fuel on the planet. There is an alternative. Fonterra could use wood waste – but while there’s no price on carbon they have no incentive to do this. They won’t stop using coal until we make them stop.
Our COAL, COWS and CLIMATE Summerfest will include all levels of participation for a weekend of family-friendly networking, sharing, NVDA (nonviolent direct action) training and action.Registrations are now open.
REGISTER NOW! Email coalactionnetwork@
- You can download the draft programme in PDF format, or check it out at the bottom of this message.
When: Noon Saturday 21 January–noon Monday 23 January
Where? Ashburton Holiday Park, Tinwald Domain, Maronan Rd, Ashburton
Accommodation bookings and cost: See details below. Limited bunk-bed accommodation available – you can book accommodation right away (see below).
Registration cost: (covers meals, hall hire etc but not accommodation)
One day: $50 waged, $40 unwaged
Two days: $75 waged, $65 unwaged
Children – under 5s free, 5-15 years half price
Registration cost includes Sat lunch + dinner, Sun breakfast, lunch + dinner, Mon breakfast + lunch.
If cost is a barrier, let us know!
Map link:
Camp link http://www.
More about accommodation
- Accommodation update: we made a block booking of all the cabin & backpacker dorm beds (it turned out that the camp didn’t have many). However these are filling up quickly, so get in fast if you want a soft bed!Otherwise, we have also reserved plenty of tent sites near the cabins – let us know what you need.
Accommodation costs:
- Backpackers – $15/night
- 6-bedroom cabin – $20/night per person, $10 per child
- Tent site – $25 for 2 people and $10 per extra adult or child, up to 6 people per site
Contact Torfrida Wainwright 03 382-0580 or 021-107 3937 or to make your accommodation booking.
Other accommodation options are:
- Coronation Holiday Park – about 7 minutes drive away in middle of Ashburton
- Various motels
- Billets with people in Christchurch may also be available
Further details are in the registration pack.
Full information about transport, including buses and car-pooling from Christchurch, are included in the registration pack.
Draft Programme – subject to change
Saturday 21 January
12 noon Powhiri/welcome
12.30 Lunch
1.30pm Welcomes & introductions
2pm CANA speakers: what’s happening with coal internationally & in NZ
3pm Tea break
3.30pm National climate organisations outline their campaigns (Greenpeace, 350 etc.)
4.30pm Small group discussion – how to coordinate activities
6pm Free time
6.30pm Dinner
7.30pm Sharing of stories, successes, heartbreaks, inspiration, music, poetry etc.
Sunday 22 January
8am Breakfast
9am Local organisations and iwi – presentations
9.30am Small geographical groups – what can we do locally
10am Tea break
10.30am NVDA intro & training in 3 streams – basic NVDA principles, applying the principles, supportive non-NVDA activity
12.30pm Lunch, swim, walk
2pm Workshop – People’s Climate Declaration – Introducing the Declaration, and planning launch, spokespeople, administration etc
4pm Tea break
4.30pm Open space for continuation of anything, workshops others want to offer, banner painting etc.
6.30pm Dinner
7.30pm Further planning
Monday 23 January
Actions, meet back to review, then break camp
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