When: 6pm, Thursday 11 April 2013

Where: Forest and Bird offices, 90 Ghuznee Street (enter at the corner of Ghuznee and Victoria Streets), Wellington. Please bring a plate of vegetarian finger food to share.

What: An information and organising meeting on the beautiful Denniston plateau, with speeches and discussion.

The beauty of the Denniston Plateau.  Photo: Forest & Bird

The beauty of the Denniston Plateau. Photo: Forest & Bird

Kevin Hackwell, Advocacy Manager at Forest and Bird, will speak on the ecological values and beauty of this remarkable place. (See http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/campaigns/save-the-denniston-plateau-ours-not-mine) He’ll be fresh back from a trip to the plateau so will share photos, as well as update us on Forest and Bird’s campaign to protect Denniston.

Tim Jones of Coal Action Network Aotearoa will speak on climate and coal, and the broader movement against new/expanded coal mines in Aotearoa.

Followed by discussion about how we can support the campaign here in Wellington. Denniston looks to be the big coal battle for 2013 (unless we win in Court, of course!) so please come along to get inspired, get informed, and get organising.

It’d be great to have lots of people at the meeting, so please invite friends and colleagues.

If you are late and need the door unlocked, please text Tim on 027 359 0293

PS The Wellington Keep the Coal in the Hole meetings grew out of the Wellington regional group gatherings at the keep the Coal in the Hole Summer festival, January 2012. We meet every two months to educate ourselves, share information, and organise events together. Please note mining CEOs and their PR staff are not welcome.