Category: Wellington
Does Wellington really want to be the coalest litt...
Posted by tjonescan | Aug 26, 2019 | actions, Bathurst Resources, Coal, Extinction Rebellion, Fonterra, News, news stories, NZ Petroleum and Minerals, protest, Straterra, Wellington | 0 |
“This Day, We Fight!”: Aragorn, Bill McKibbe...
Posted by tjonescan | May 19, 2018 | 350, climate tour, speaking tour, Wellington | 0 |
Protest Fonterra, New Zealand’s Worst Polluter, this Friday, 28th May 2021
by Rob Taylor | May 24, 2021 | Auckland, Auckland Coal Action, climate change, Coal Action Auckland, dirty dairying, Extinction Rebellion, Fonterra, News, protest, Wellington | 0 |
AUCKLAND PROTEST: Victoria Park, cnr Halsey & Fanshawe St, opposite Fonterra HQ at 109...
Read MoreDoes Wellington really want to be the coalest little capital?
by tjonescan | Aug 26, 2019 | actions, Bathurst Resources, Coal, Extinction Rebellion, Fonterra, News, news stories, NZ Petroleum and Minerals, protest, Straterra, Wellington | 0 |
By Melanie Vautier and Tim Jones. First published on The Spinoff. Extinction Rebellion takes a...
Read MoreRise for Climate Report: Aotearoa to the World
by tjonescan | Sep 17, 2018 | 350, actions, Aotearoa, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, Wellington | 0 |
Saturday 8 September was a wonderful, inspiring moment to be a part of the climate justice movement. An international day “Rise for Climate,” organized by, resulted in over 250 000 people, 900+ events, in 95+ countries,...
Read MoreRise for Climate on Saturday 8 September
by tjonescan | Aug 29, 2018 | 350, actions, Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, Nelson, News, Wellington | 0 |
Updated 6/9/18 with Invercargill event details – see below. Mark your calendar – on Saturday 8 September find a Rise for Climate event in a city or town near you (or create one!). Real climate leadership rises from...
Read More“This Day, We Fight!”: Aragorn, Bill McKibben, And Climate Change
by tjonescan | May 19, 2018 | 350, climate tour, speaking tour, Wellington | 0 |
by Melanie Vautier On Sunday the 6th of May I had the privilege of seeing climate change activist...
Read MoreUpdated Livestream Details: Fossil Free Acceleration Tour with Bill McKibben: Wellington, Sunday 6 May, and Auckland, Monday 7 May, Plus Livestream on 7 May
by tjonescan | Apr 26, 2018 | 350, Auckland, climate tour, fossil fuels, News, oil drilling, Wellington | 0 |
UPDATE: Here are the latest livestream details: There are several livestream events happening at 7pm on the 7th of May in Otaki (in partnership with Māoriland Film Festival), Christchurch, Dunedin (in partnership with Wise...
Read MoreStand with Sarah for the Climate: High Court, Wellington, 26-28 June
by tjonescan | Jun 7, 2017 | legal action, News, Paris Agreement, Wellington | 0 |
Law student Sarah Thomson has launched a judicial review of the New Zealand Government’s completely inadequate greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Sarah Thomson and her lawyers now have a firm date for the hearing of her...
Read MoreNext Monday, 26 June, Stand with Sarah for the Climate: 9.15am, High Court, 2 Molesworth St, Wellington
by tjonescan | Jun 7, 2017 | legal action, News, Paris Agreement, Wellington | 0 |
Law student Sarah Thomson has launched a judicial review of the New Zealand Government’s...
Read MoreYou are invited to the launch of Our Climate Declaration on Sunday 18 June
by tjonescan | Jun 1, 2017 | Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, News, Our Climate Declaration, Wellington | 0 |
You are invited to the launch of Our Climate Declaration at any of four video-linked locations on Sunday, June 18th, 2017, from 3 to 5pm The aim of our Declaration is to bring people together around a short, simple narrative...
Read MoreMay 5-13: Join The Global Divestment Mobilisation!
by tjonescan | May 2, 2017 | 350, actions, Auckland, banks, Christchurch, Dunedin, News, Wellington, Westpac | 0 |
Are you tired of seeing business as usual all around you in the face of a worsening climate...
Read MoreJoin The New Zealand Marches for Science, Saturday 22 April
by tjonescan | Apr 16, 2017 | actions, Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, march, News, Palmerston North, Wellington | 0 |
Science, and the principle that public policy should be informed by evidence based on observable fact, is under attack – not just in Donald Trump’s America, but in New Zealand as well. Two recent local examples: When...
Read MoreA hospital that makes people sick?
by tjonescan | Nov 10, 2016 | carbon emissions, Christchurch, Coal, health, News, Wellington | 0 |
by Jeanette Fitzsimons The long-running question of whether the new Christchurch hospital will run on coal or wood waste is still not resolved, but seems to be heading back to coal. See my blog A tale of two hospitals from March...
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