Well, it’s not that big a secret: Fonterra is the third-largest consumer of coal in New Zealand, and Fonterra keeps passing up opportunities to convert its heat plant from coal to wood. Their latest bad move – and it’s a really bad one – is their decision to build a new coal mine at Mangatawhiri in the North Waikato, near SH2 between Auckland and the Coromandel.

Fonterra’s head office is at 9 Princes St, Auckland, and Auckland Coal Action is working with Mangatawhiri residents to build opposition to the planned new mine. Today, Tuesday 5 March at 4pm, Auckland Coal Action members will be handing out special milk drinks featuring Fonterra’s secret ingredient outside Fonterra’s HQ, as reported in the Waikato Times.

On Thursday, local residents have organised a public meeting on the proposed mine. Full details and directions are available on the Auckland Coal Action site, but in brief:

WHEN: 7 pm, Thursday 7 March 2013

WHERE: Mangatawhiri Hall, cnr of Mangatawhiri and McKenzie Roads, Mangatawhiri.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Auckland Coal Action have also created an excellent leaflet about Fonterra’s plans, which is also available for you to download.

ACA Fonterra leaflet

Here is how you can help with this campaign against Fonterra’s dirty secret: