Let’s Put A Freeze on Coal Mining

You are invited to help put a freeze on coal mining in New Zealand by attending a flash freeze in Wellington’s Midland Park on Tuesday May 8th, starting at noon. (Midland Park is on Lambton Quay between Waring Taylor Street and Johnston Street.)

This event forms part of the “Say No to Coal Mining” day of the Aotearoa Is Not For Sale Hikoi.

Here’s the plan:

12.00: Gather in Midland Park. Feel free to bring signs such as “Put a freeze on coal mining”, “Say no to coal mining” or “Keep the coal in the hole”.

We’ll need some people to do leafletting – please come over to the stall for leaflets. We’ll also be aiming to sign up people to the Coal Action Network Aotearoa mailing list, and Forest and Bird representatives will also be taking part, focusing on the campaign against the planned Denniston coalmine.

12.15: Spread out!

12:20: Listen for the mighty blast on a saxophone that signals the start of the Freeze. Then, freeze for three minutes.

The leafletters will keep moving, explaining to people that we are frozen as a call to Government to put a freeze on coal mining in New Zealand. After three minutes the trombone will play again, signalling that it is time to start moving.

After that, we’ll all spread out, leaflet, and talk to people about why the expansion of coal mining is a really bad thing for New Zealand, the climate, and the world. We’ll explain that we support a clean economy that delivers greater value and isn’t just focused on short-term gain for a few.

12:45: We’ll come back together and conclude the event by listening to brief speeches, which we hope will include representatives of the hikoi, Coal Action Network Aotearoa and Ora Taiao.

We hope to see you there!